It was great because I stayed behind and was able to spend the night with her at the hospital. And oh my, I think that all teenagers should stay with a pregnant woman, it will certainly scare them!
My sister was in alot of pain. She wasn't even dilated to a 2, and she kept talking about her pain. I don't know much about birth stuff but I know I've heard that you go up to a 10, so I only assumed that her pain was only going to get worse and worse. By the way in order to help me understand the whole number system my mother was kind enough to display this wonderful model...

I couldn't believe how big the 10 was!! Whoa, I have so much respect for all mommies!
Anyways the next day the process started out very slow at about lunch time Julia was still a 2. But around 2 she had already become a 4 and from there it went by fast...
By 4:00 my sister Judit and I were watching TV in a room and we could hear Julia screaming. We heard her screams although she was across the hall, and behind 3 doors! My fourth niece was born around 4:31 pm October 17! It was one of the most exciting moments of my life. When I saw the nurse with Julia's baby, I began crying. I was so happy and proud of her. After all her pain, after all the suffering she went through a baby was now born. It's so miraculous. God is so Good.

Little precious baby

I got in trouble for letting her cry

Again I got in trouble because the flash hurt her eyes
I need to show the girls "The Chart" your mom is displaying....ouchie!
Yeah, Carmelita. That's how little babies come into this world. Wait until it's your turn to pop one out. :)
Nah, I'm not sure I want babies that bad LOL.
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