Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Judit and I got to San Antonio on Thursday night. Our nieces were very excited to see us; they ran around, danced for us, did flips and talked and talked. However, soon it was their bedtime.
The next day we decided to join Conchita, who is in Kindergarten, to have lunch with her at her school. So Sandra, Maria, Judit, my 2 small nieces (Mikaela and Marisol) and myself took Conchita some chicken strips and curly fries.


Judit and Conchita, showing off her necklace she made in class

Marisol and Mikaela

Mikeala playing with the kid's meal prize

In the lunchroom, Sandra read papers that the 5th and 6th grade class had written for Veterans Day. Children wrote about thier grandparents, parents, aunts, and uncles, they thanked all the people who serve our country and make America for them. Sandra is not one to get easily choked up but reading the papers made her get teary eyed. Her boyfriend is Marine who has been to Iraq, she said she wished that he could read what the children wrote.

Afterwards we went home and just hung out til it was time to get Conchita from the bus. Funny thing about Conchita, I wanted to take her to school and pick her up but she explained to me that she HAS TO RIDE THE BUS. Conchita loves riding the bus.

Waiting on Conchita


Lupita said...

I bet Conchita was super excited to have her tias there visiting her at school! Heck, I got excited when you visited me at school too!

Carmela said...

Pita I love visiting you at ur school, I need to go again!