Monday, December 14, 2009

La Virgen de Guadalupe

December 12th is a very special day to all Mexicans around the world, it is the day we celebrate when La Virgen de Guadalupe appeared to Juan Diego. Like many other Mexicans, this day is very special to my mother. My maternal grandfather was very devout to la Virgen de Guadalupe, hence not only is it a special day to give homage to La Virgen, but my mother also feels very close to her father on this day.
My family has been involved in the festivities for la Virgen de Guadalupe for many years.
About one month ago my mom nominated me to participate in the Native danzas for la Virgen. And although I didn't want to do it, my mom convinced me to participate, as she said "Carmen you're not doing this for me, it's for la Virgen." Well I couldn't say no to La Virgen de Guadalupe.
I began practicing with the dance team that included: my mom, 2 of my siblings, myself and 6 others. Watching two older ladies practice and dance really inspired me to do the same.
When the day came, my camera wasn't working so I actually didn't take any pictures. But it was beautiful. It all started at 5am and went on til about 9pm. We probably danced a total of 6 times (at least), the next day I was very sore, I can't imagine how the older ladies felt, it was tough.
Well although I didn't take any pics, here is one I got online. It's an example of what our costume (which we also made) looked like... Can't wait to be a part of it again next year!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would have LOVED to have seen this. Didn't anybody else take pictures? I spoke to your mom the other day & she was telling me how sore she was. I guess that's why the call her "La Vieja Emilia." LOL
