This year the Speech Language Therapy Convention in Texas (TSHA- Texas Speech and Hearing Association) was in Ft. Worth. It lasts 3 days, so me and a couple of co workers left Wednesday afternoon and came back Saturday night. We had a great time. I've only worked for ECI for a couple of months, so it was great getting to know each other.
THE main reason that I wanted to go to TSHA was to see my grad school friends!! I miss them so much. After seeing them (almost) everyday for 2 years, it's crazy not seeing each other anymore. Out of the class of 22, I saw about half so I was very excited about that. I'm glad that we get the opportunity to meet up at least once a year. I love them all!
We always start the convention with a Intro Speaker, in the past we've had The Horse Whisper, Templin Grindin and this year we had Dr. Patch Adams!! He was so awesome. I have never seen the movie but have been wanting to. He basically travels the world, to tragedies or dying/sick patients (like children dying in orphanages) and makes them laugh. He had me laughing then crying then laughing (probably not hard to believe if you know me well enough). He shared with us that he's been a physician for 30+ years, but a clown much longer than that. Dr. Adams is looking for a world where love will no longer be extraordinary, and he thinks that the role of a clown and a physician are the same: "to elevate the possible and to relieve suffering. He's whole speech was great, moving and motivating!
Dr. Patch
only pic we took (but I posted old ones)
miss all
another class pic :)