God is good! I am an extremly blessed woman.
In my 10 years out of high school, I have lived in 3 different towns(which BTW my 10 year high school reunion is this year YIKES). And although I was in different points of my life, in the beginning of every move I felt very lost, scared, and discouraged. God has taken me, away from family, away from friends but always closer to him. And in the end, I've realize that at that point in my life I was exactly where God wanted me to be.
It has taken me awhile to feel that peace in Sweetwater, and I experienced it when I least expected it. I wasn't sure what was going to happen or if I would stay here. But God definatly answered my prayers. In fact in the past 2 months, God has really been listening to me.
Since August of last year, I didn't know what I was doing in Sweetwater or if I'd even stay here. My dad had convinced me to go and in fact, in 6 months I hadn't fully unpacked, just in case! I was ready to give up, I was ready to just move away to Houston, Dallas maybe Austin...but when I was looking for jobs in Houston area, oddly I ran into a job oppurtunity in Sweetwater. Although I was very sceptical, I applied anyways...
Within a week, I got a phone call for more information, then an interview, then a job offer. By February 8, I was the new Speech Language Pathologist at ECI (Early Childhood Intervention in Sweetwater).
It has happened so fast, I can't believe I've already been working there for more than a month!
I can't stress how much I really believe God wants me here. I'm very thankful to God for the times I get to have with my family especially my grandmother.
God is good! I am an extremly blessed woman!
Glad things worked out for you! I noticed you didn't include DFW in your search for jobs. Guess you were just lying when you told me you were. Lying during lent, Carmen. Not good!
I didn't lie! Thank you for pointing out my mistake, I fixed it for you Amigo. :)
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